The world of temporary, on-demand office space in Midtown Phoenix

May 2024
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Waiting for a table at Starbucks
Filed under: General
Posted by: GM @ 8:39 pm

Many successful companies have their roots in basements and garages across the country. Countless discussions, business plan revisions, and meetings are conducted with anyone necessary to make a go of the product or service. These arrangements were usually out of necessity rather than choice. Office space can be expensive for a start-up company with rent commitments, furnishings and communication setup costs far beyond the most optimistic of entrepreneur budgets. While hashing out business details at Denny’s has also held some popularity, picking up the tab for business lunches can typically be a pricey office solution as well.

Enter Starbucks and wi-fi and a whole new world of temporary, on-demand office space. Coffee shops have become the new alternative to the garage for start-up companies….mostly out of convenience but the components are there for a successful business discussion. How simple can it be? Start talking over a cup of coffee…pull your laptop out of the briefcase…and your meeting is in high gear!

As with anything new, the rules have to be hashed out and many coffee shops have begun limiting wi-fi access or wall jacks for battery recharge which keeps the new millennium entrepreneurs on their toes looking for the next great “hot spot” to hold their board meeting. Reliability becomes a big factor when to need a spot to hash over agenda items.

Many people don’t realize that the world of temporary, on-demand office space already exists and has existed and probably isn’t far from the Starbucks where they’re currently meeting. When we started Plaza Executive Suites we had the opportunity to pitch our new venture to friends, family and pretty much anyone who would listen. Many believed we had stumbled upon one of the most brilliant ideas of the 21st century.

The reality is that executive suites, serviced offices, business centers or whatever other name you can think of have been around for some time. We just like to think that we’ve stirred the pot a little bit by offering a comparable product that is inexpensive, requires no contract and convenient to schedule, find, and conduct business.  While maybe not brilliant…we’re certainly very popular lately.

Bob Alsbury, General Manager - Plaza Executive Suites

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